Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Don't even ask...

One of my all time unfavourite things is when shop assistants ask you what you're going to do with something you're buying. Without fail, whenever they ask me this question, it's always when I'm doing something really freaking weird, and often when I'm going to use their product in a way that it wasn't intended to be used.

Today, in an art supplies store:
Shop assistant: "Do you need paint to go with these brushes?"
Me: "No, I'll be using them for cake decorating."
Shop assistant: "Oh. What will you be making with this modelling clay?"
Me: "Uhhh... making figurines?"
Real answer: I'll be using it to make a mould in the shape of wings of a spider-hunting wasp. It will then be lined with aluminium foil and filled with toffee, to be used as decoration on the cake that I'll be decorating.

In a fabric store, in reference to some terry towelling remnants I'm buying:
Shop assistant: "Are you making some things for your bathroom?"
Me: "Yup."
Real answer: I'm going to sew them into tunnels and hammocks for my pet rats.

In Bunnings, buying fence posting:
Me: "Hi there, I'm just after a 7 meter length of 4x4"
Shop assistant: "What's it for?"
Me: "Ummm..."
Real answer: Gib and I are constructing a makiwara in our backyard. You know, like in Karate Kid.

Maybe I shouldn't have such damn weird hobbies. Maybe I shouldn't be so embarassed about my weird hobbies. Or maybe the shop attendants just shouldn't ask in the first place (my preferred option).


  1. I'm usually just dumbfounded that the shop assistant can actually speak to a customer so I get confused when they ask me things like that!

  2. haha this made me laugh, so funny. This always happens to me in Spotlight!

    You should be proud of your weird hobbies and that you are so creative and clever and that your rats have hammocks! :)
