Yesterday I had a bit of spare time and decided to give Lara Cameron's tissue box cover tutorial a go. It was an easy to follow tutorial and a quick project to complete. And now I have something practical, bright and cute to go into my dull, stark white office at work.
That's really much nicer to look at than the ugly tissue box (and now you'll be able to find the culprit when someone has stolen your tissues)
ReplyDeleteI really like the fabric you have used - the tissue box cover looks terrific. The journal cover is also lovely. You have been very industrious!
ReplyDeleteThis is so gorgeous and the nicest tissue box cover I've ever seen! Hope you're having a fun weekend. :D
ReplyDeleteoooh this looks so cute! And the journal cover too. I love the fabrics you used for both of them. Thanks for the links!
ReplyDeletewhat a precious little thing, I think I love your blog because you show so many ways to give beauty to the most common things... it's like personalizing your whole room! ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is so cute!! I want to get something like that because I'm a gay man and I like to getting those things, just look at the figures that's perfect!
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