Wednesday, 17 September 2008

150th post giveaway - let's celebrate!

Sorry all, I haven't much real content on here for a while, other non-blog related things seem to have intruded. I missed out on doing a 100th post giveaway too. So to make up for it all I'm doing a...

150th post giveaway!

The whole reason I started a blog was so I'd have a central place to keep track of my sewing, cooking and gardening projects and hope that maybe some other people could learn from my successes and failures. But I never imagined just how many cool people are out there with such great blogs and amazing ideas and how inspirational they are for me! So to celebrate my 150th post and to thank all of those lovely people out there with wonderful ideas and kind comments, I have a pink-themed giveaway.
  • Two handmade pot holders (with a pink packing)
  • Pink fabric: two larger pieces with floral prints, one smaller piece with white dots
  • Two Golden Hands magazines
  • How-to-knit instructions, by Patons

It doesn't matter if you're a regular or have been lurking about, if you're local or international (I'm happy to post anywhere), all you need to do is leave a comment by Saturday September 27th and mention what your favourite baked treat is - sweet or savoury. I'll select the winner over the weekend. Thank you all for popping by!


  1. my favorite baked treat is a good old fashion chocolate chip cookie! I just love them! Congrats on the 150th post, I am one of those who has been lurking and just really love visiting your blog.

  2. Think Pink! Nice one. I totally missed my 100th post (I actually have no idea what # I'm up too... may need to do something about that) but I'm enjoying your posts as always!

    Hmm... baked goods... even though I can no longer eat it - ye olde full-fat, home made chocolate cake with an inch thick chocolate icing. With extra icing - just lick the bowl of course.

  3. Congrats!! I love Brownies!!!!!!!

  4. Congrats!!!

    Please count me in

  5. so glad to have you back :)

    and with a giveaway too. who ever wins this packae is one lucky lady.. you really know how to create a great parcel :)

    and so exciting that you got to give your apron in person!! Can't wait to hear about it!

    Good luck with the article and karate training :)

  6. and ps. choc caramel slice made by my mummy :)

  7. Congratulations on 150!
    My favorite baked treat is a sour-cream coffee cake. Yum!

  8. My favorite color is pink! My favorite baked treat has to be warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies (original recipe) right out of the oven. I'm drooling just thinking about them.
    Congrats on 150 posts!
    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  9. Congrats on 150 posts! My favorite baked treat is warm chocolate brownies!

    maumauisginger at gmail dot com

  10. Thanks for your comment on my blog and how can I resist a giveaway? My favourite baked treat would have to be a sausage roll - not those huge things you buy from the bakers but the mini little bites of yum my mum makes for me and I now make for my little one.

  11. Woohoo! Great work on 150 posts.

    (I already have beautiful pot holders from you, so I don't think I'm eligible for your giveaway.)

    I love reading your blog though ... I've got loads of great information from it!

    PS. Favourite baked treat is my lazy food processor scones!

  12. oh my goodness, i nearly missed this. firstly congratulations on 150 posts. my favorite baked treat is um ( my waistline is telling me EVERYTHING) but I can never pass up baked puff pastry savouries like pinwheels.... my waist grew an inch thinking about them.
