Saturday, 27 September 2008

150th post giveaway... winner!

This morning, at about 3am when I couldn't sleep, I decided to mess about on the computer and, most importantly... select a winner of the giveaway! I listed all of the comments from 1-11 (minus Katie's double comment - sorry Katie, no double chances! :-( ) and then went to to select the winner! And the winner is... *drum roll*

Lucky #1 - Sarah! Hooray! Congratulations Sarah!

Oh boy, I loved hearing all of your baked goods! I'll be doing quite a bit of baking this weekend which I'll share with you tomorrow, or perhaps the day after depending on how much time I get. It's my parent's 30th wedding anniversary, so tomorrow they're having a big party. I'm about to head off now to start with some of the food preparations!

Thanks again for all of your kind comments! I just can't believe how much I've got out of blogging since I started!


  1. I missed your 150th post but would like to offer my belated congratulations nonetheless. Here's to the next 150!
