Friday, 10 October 2008

Back soon!

I apologise if you've commented and I haven't replied... or haven't quite got around to checking all of your blogs of late... (I also have a meme from August Street which I had in my mind for about a week to do then totally forgot about til yesterday! - Oopsies, will do it when I come back!). I handed in a draft of a literature review to my supervisors yesterday and in just a few hours I'll be in Tasmania! I have to say a big thank you to Gina who sent me over a bunch of literature from Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife for all of the cool outdoor things to see when we head to the south of state.

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So I'll be back sometime next weekend! Be good while I'm away!


  1. ooh Tasmania is so pretty. I especially loved the Hobart Harbour. so much nature to see enjoy soaking it all up.

    enjoy yourself so much :)

  2. Oh I hope you two are having a fabulous time here! The weather's been a little ordinary last couple of days..but should improve.. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip when you get back..and seeing some pics! Gx

  3. For when you get back....
    I gave you an award on my blog. Go check it out.
