Tuesday, 21 October 2008

I <3 your blog!

Jen over at August Street tagged me for this meme, and I'm a bit late (a whole month late!)... better late than never, hey? I have to choose my 7 favourite blogs and also pass it on... but I've decided not to pass this one on. I love all of the blogs I read... I feel bad because there are so many blogs I love and how could I possibly choose only seven??

Here are seven of my most favourite blogs. Everyone knows so many of the crafty blogs around (everyone seems to know everyone) so I've decided to add some other ones that I love to read as well:

  • Isis the Scientist: "On becoming a domestic and laboratory goddess". Dr Isis presents a witty view on the juggling act between science, motherhood and domestic chores. Her choice images crack me up every time. Some great recipes there too!
  • A print a day: This one was recently linked to me by Gina and I have fallen in love instantly. The gorgeous drawings of plants and fungi, and most fascinating to me was the carnivorous plant calendar and other gorgeous repeats that she posted!
  • Adventures in Ethics and Science: This blog is terrific. I love reading the conversations Janet retells from her boys and husband and her little tidbits on her garden and the discussions on ethics in science. Such a pleasant and refreshing mix.
  • Culinary Concoctions: So many delicious looking photos and recipes. I think my waistline expands just looking at some of this stuff. Lots of inspiration to be found here.
  • Sui Zo's Hobby of the Month: Sui is an old friend of mine. He's done many things in his lifetime... been a linesman, computer tech, manager of a laser tag complex... and now he's doing a fine arts degree majoring in glass at ANU. He enjoys playing with furnaces.
  • Bugs and fishes: I am constantly amazed at the cute hand sewing and little felt projects. The poppies and robins are totally adorable. Some tutorials to check out there too!
  • Just tutes: many cool, funky, simple sewing tutes. I always pick up a few ideas and tips whenever I drop by.


  1. Ooops .... I'm supposed to be cooking the dinner and started looking at all these blogs! I think I will be reading Dr Isis for hours .... I'd better put some time aside!

  2. Beth, I am honored to be among your seven favorite blogs! I love coming over here to cloth and fodder and think that you are well on your way to domestic and laboratory goddesshood!

    And, welcome to the blog, hoppo bumpo!
