Sunday, 26 October 2008

Sew sew

I have in fact been in a sewing mood but not much to show at this stage. I've finished drafting a pattern for a messenger bag I'm making for a friend (it's taken a few revisions but it's getting there!) and given the number of babies that are around at the moment, I decided to buy a new pattern:

Butterick 5713 - "Sew baby"
Includes overalls, pants, jacket, bonnet and mittens

I liked this pattern because there were so many options to choose from. I love overalls and desperately wish that they would become a cool adult fashion. They are so functional, like when you are out in the garden, and they are just so comfy (well I remember them being comfy the last time I wore them, which was when I was about 9 years old). So instead, I make them for the children of my friends and relatives, and just keep wishing that I could wear a pair myself.

Then there's all the Christmas sewing I need to do in the next two months. I should start planning for that now because my diary over the next two months is already filling fast. There will be a few more hand made gifts this year, and home grown ones too: herb pots propagated from plants from your own garden make great gifts! And if I get them started now, they should be looking quite strong by Christmas time.


  1. I share your regard for overalls (and have you noticed, kids get all the super-soft fabric?) You need a pair of these:
    Maybe we could start a trend :-)

  2. Overalls are the coolest. I have my maternity ones from 17 years ago from Jay Jays and I keep them just incase one day I lose 300000 pounds and can wear them again:) so many pockets....
    sewing babies clothes is very satisfying dont you find because theyre so little and quick to see the end result and you can make heaps out of one great bargain find of fabric.

  3. Great pattern! It is fun to sew for babies. I like the fact that you just pick a size and sew (no alterations needed!).
