Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Taste Sensation: Trolli Glotzer

Edit: Sorry, dear readers! I know some of you were a wee bit grossed out and put off your lunch yesterday. I tried my best to put the rest of the post behind a "cut" by working through Blogger's horrible expandable post summaries help guide, and then I tried other methods and still couldn't work out how to do it. So I'm just going to do a:

Warning: do not read below if don't like gross things!

A dear friend sent me a packet of confectionery eyeballs in the mail the other day.

I was seriously impressed by the detail in them: the difference in texture between the iris/lens/cornea etc (which is quite firm, even the shape of this part is quite accurate) and vitreous humour (which is slightly more squishy), and blood vessels. Clearly these guys have gone to a lot of effort to achieve anatomical accuracy while still keeping it a fun confectionery, which I totally respect. They taste great too: the vitreous humour has a very fluffy texture, very sweet, while the iris is firmer and very tangy, like lemon.

There were 7 eyeballs in the packet, but now only one...


  1. I got to tell you I find this one a little bit disturbing, but if you can enjoy them, more power to you I say. It is all a little iron chef for my liking.

  2. I'm amused, intrigued and feeling just a wee bit nauseous all at the same time!

  3. I just came back to admire the orange vintage love & suddenly my sandwich doesn't seem so appealing!

  4. eeew hehe!
    what fascinating lollies!
