Thursday, 29 January 2009

Low priced legumes and the edible heart attack!

I was over at Dr Isis' blog reading about the discussions in the science blogging world on Obama's pledge to "restore science to it rightful place" and then right at the end she linked this article on how beans and rice are making a comeback (well, she said it in the context of science living on beans and corn). I've been saying for months now, after reading all of these articles on how to cook a "budget meal" in recipe magazines and in the paper: "Where are the legumes in all of this, people?!". Beans and rice is the cheapest and, done properly, one of heartiest, tastiest and versatile meal combinations ever! But you so rarely see any legume recipes! (with chickpeas being the exception, I think).

So, moving along, I then found myself clicking on and finally reading about The Bacon Explosion. I think this is the true definition of The Edible Heart Attack.

"He [Jason Day] bought about $20 worth of bacon and Italian sausage from a local meat market. As it lay on the counter, he thought of weaving strips of raw bacon into a mat. The two spackled the bacon mat with a layer of sausage, covered that with a crunchy layer of cooked bacon, and rolled it up tight.

They then stuck the roll — containing at least 5,000 calories and 500 grams of fat — in the Good-One Open Range backyard smoker..."


  1. Oh god... I can feel my arteries seizing just looking at it.

    Right on! Yeah! Go legumes and rice!!

    It's true, particularly with legumes - they have earned themselves an almost mystery or untouchable status, but since they are everywhere in my low GI recipes (and thanks to you Beth!) I've become quite good friends with them.

  2. I realize the point of the post was to point out the horribleness of that bacon monstrosity, but...mmmmmm....bacon.

    HA HA HA. The word verification is "fatso." Priceless!!!

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