This is going to sound incredibly lame, but I hate getting my hands dirty. I hate getting dirt under my nails. I
hate my hands feeling dry and dusty (my skin is actually prickling at the thought). Worse, I also hate the feeling of those cheap, nasty $2 leather gardening gloves too, because they also leave my hands feeling dry and dusty. It's gotta be the super dooper soft cloth inndards with the super tough plastic coating ones for me - ultimate for ripping out
that freaking periwinkle.

A person who loves gardening but hates dirt. And nasty gardening gloves. Crazy, hey?
no, it makes total sense to me! I weed best with bare hands, but always get cut up and end up bleeding with hangnails all over. Ugh.
I may have to look for these :)
I totally agree with you, I'm not hardcore into gardening but I hate getting my hands dirty and I also wear gloves when doing almost anything in the kitchen or cleaning because I have very sensitive skin. I hate cheapo gloves though, I always feel like I need to wash my hands and moisturise after using them, which seems to defeat the purpose!
im happiest when I am so filthy from gardening that the shower water looks like mud. Have I made you ill yet? Sorry if I did. I only mean good ol natural dirt though. Clippings in my hair, black smudges on my face and the sensation of each different kind of weed as I tear it out. I have always been a grot and I love the sense of cleanliness felt when I magically become sparkling clean again:) Wish I was that way with housework, now that kind of dirt makes my skin crawl.
I'm with you. Hate dirt; need super-duper gloves. These ones look just the ticket.
I've got the same gloves. Love them, except on hot days.
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